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Synth Lab @ Echo Zoo # 1 - Dubrec Gen X-1

We have been using this strange lockdown period to finish putting together our Synth Lab here at Echo Zoo. We thought we would give you a taster of what weird and wonderful sound generating machines you'll be able to get creative with. First up is one of our favourites. It may look like a toy, but this really is a powerful little synth. Evolved from the original Stylophone by the inventive folk at Dubrec. The Gen X-1 features Envelope shaping, LFO Square and Triangle Wave, Filter and Resonance, and a crunchy delay that will feedback for days, or until your Duracell battery dies anyway. Combine this with octave selection, a stylus and a portamento strip and you've got a real monster to play with.

Check out more of the Stylophone range from DubRec.



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